Jeroen van Gorkom has 34 years hands-on experience in TB care and prevention, of which 15 years as resident in Guinea-Bissau, Tanzania, Kenya, Namibia. In 1996 he joined KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation as a senior consultant. He has consulted for KNCV, WHO, World Bank, UNAIDS, TB CAP, TB CARE I in: Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Central Asia and Latin America.
He is the author of various manuals and guidelines written for the TB program in Kenya in the period 1990-1995. He is the main and co-author of various peer-reviewed scientific publications, posters, presentations at conferences, seminars, and symposia. He is main or co-author (writing committee) or reviewer on various publications by WHO and the Stop-TB Partnership on TB/HIV in his membership of the Stop-TB TB/HIV Core Group. In 2013 he was elected as Vice Chair of The Union HIV Section. He is a member of the Global Fund Technical Review panel.