Laboratory Tools, Guidelines and Manuals
from Challenge TB, TB CARE I, TB CAP and partners
from Challenge TB, TB CARE I, TB CAP and partners
This guide provides practical guidance to plan and implement a smooth transition from use of Xpert MTB/RIF to Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra cartridges, ensuring uninterrupted service and avoiding cartridge wastage. It includes advice on how to translate findings from the WHO Meeting Report of a Technical Expert Consultation: Non-inferiority analysis of Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra compared to Xpert MTB/RIF1 into an actionable implementation plan, from country-level to site-level, for adoption of the Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra cartridge.
The need for continued roll-out and scale-up of molecular technologies including Xpert MTB/RIF to increase testing coverage and to detect cases rapidly and accurately, and to provide universal drug susceptibility testing for all cases at risk has never been clearer. This current training offers comprehensive resources for training with the aim to strengthen laboratory capacity at the local and national level to support the uptake and universal access to TB diagnostics.
A guide to the implementation of GxAlert or other connectivity devices that are capable of linking diagnostic results to patient records. GxAlert allows for fast feedback of laboratory results to patients, referring clinicians, treatment centers, MoH staff and the country’s existing health information systems.
This guide is intended to familiarize those who are providing technical assistance to TB laboratories in low- and middle-income countries with WHO recommendations and international best practices. It may be used as a training resource for new TB laboratory consultants or as refresher training for established consultants prior to a technical assistance assignment. The manual is intended to provide a comprehensive overview of topics to be considered before and during an assignment.
This guidance document is designed to provide public TB laboratories with best practices when embarking on implementing a quality management system and seeking ISO 15189 accreditation.
This guidance document is constructed as a tool to allow both countries and consultants to objectively evaluate performance against a set of standards that represent existing WHO guidance and to develop the foundation for a network accreditation program based on WHO-approved guidelines and standards.
This package contains the handbook, a facilitators manual, participants manual and dynamic budget excel sheets (6Mb)
This manual encourages countries to accept and implement basic concepts in biological safety and to develop national codes of practice for the safe handling of pathogenic micro-organisms in laboratories within their geographical borders.
Le présent manuel indique quelles sont les mesures de sécurité biologique minimum qui doivent être prises aux différents niveaux des laboratoires chargés d’effectuer le diagnostic de la tuberculose afin de réduire de risque de contracter l’infection sur le lieu de travail.
Laboratoire de Tuberculose Formulaire d’evaluation (Français/French)
This package provides standard materials for External Quality Assurance (EQA) training which allows countries to implement the guidelines correctly and efficiently. The package covers all main areas of AFB-microscopy EQA (rechecking, panels and supervision; newer developments (i.e. fluorescence; review of different AFB-microscopy techniques; complementary to EQA guide, AFB-microscopy training package). The package also facilitates training by providing various modules, presentations and exercises.
The Logistics Management Tool is used for the procurement, logistics and management of laboratory equipment and other supplies that are required for TB microscopy, and TB culture and DST (C/DST). It provides guidance to countries and development partners on specifications and mechanisms for the efficient and timely procurement of quality laboratory equipment and supplies and the ongoing management of all TB-related laboratory commodities. The tool consists of equipment specifications, recommendations on BSC installation, guidelines on laboratory commodity management, inventory control and algorithms, and spreadsheets for calculating quantities and costs of consumables. It was developed for the NTPs, NGOs, and agencies for tenders of laboratory equipment in low- and middle-income countries in order to implement or expand C/DST. Others responsible for the procurement, logistics and management of laboratory equipment and other supplies required for TB microscopy and TB culture and DST can also use this management tool.
A management Information System (MIS) ensures standardized recording and reporting in laboratories. The system provides tools for reporting and monitoring of AFB-smears and supplies. It also promotes correct analysis, rechecking EQA important parameters, and culture internal quality control. It improves the efficiency of culture/DST bench records versus databases, it ensures correct data entry and easy and regular analyses as well as patient follow-up culture/DST. The MIS is provided both as printable hard copies and generic electronic software (dbase – Epi Info).
The purpose of the Roadmap for Laboratory Strengthening is to guide the development or updating of National Laboratory Strategic plans to incorporate the specific requirements for providing the laboratory services needed for TB diagnosis, treatment and control.