All the Tools, Guidelines and Manuals
from Challenge TB, TB CARE I, TB CAP and partners
from Challenge TB, TB CARE I, TB CAP and partners
The curricula for the “New Drugs and the Shorter Treatment Regimen” training includesPowerPoint presentations and facilitators guides on the programmatic management of drug resistant TB, including diagnostics, treatment and care, supply chain, monitoring and evaluation, and interim cohort analysis, and upgraded for use of all staff at the NTPs and other organizations. The materials are developed as “pick and choose” options depending on each country’s need for competency development of staff working at all levels of health facilities. The material has been updated to align with the “Consolidated guidelines on drug-resistant tuberculosis treatment” issued by the World Health Organization in March 2019. Further amendments will be made to the material as and when new policy and guidelines are issued by WHO. This updated version (July 2019) replaces all earlier versions of the training package. (KNCV 2019)
Цей документ є технічною настановою щодо активного моніторингу та управління безпекою лікарських засобів (active Drug safety monitoring and management, надалі – aDSM), а саме – нових протитуберкульозних препаратів та режимів лікування, які використовуються для лікування пацієнтів з ХР ТБ. В цьому документі викладені визначення, що стосуються aDSM, а також узгоджені необхідні заходи та ключові етапи для впровадження aDSM під час лікування пацієнтів з ХР ТБ. (KNCV 2019)
Following the release of the updated 2019 WHO policy guidelines for the treatment of drug-resistant TB (DR-TB), these two handy job aids have been to developed to assist health care providers with weight-based DR-TB dosages for patients up to the age of 14 years and older than 14 years respectively. (KNCV 2019)
As anti-TB injectables remain among the options for DR-TB treatment, it is important to have guidance on the detection and management of hearing loss during their use in DR-TB treatment. To assist health care workers in this area, Challenge TB has developed a job aid for this purpose. (KNCV 2019)
В данном документе описываются основные виды деятельности и шаги по внедрению активного мониторинга и управления безопасностью препаратов, при лечении пациентов, получающих новые режимы лечения лекарственно-устойчивого туберкулеза (ЛУ-ТБ). Данный документ предназначен для использования в качестве практического пособия для всех медицинских работников, осуществляющих организацию, лечение и уход за пациентами. (KNCV 2019)
This guide is intended to help health care providers use audiometry to make informed and patient-centered decisions to prevent and manage hearing loss resulting from the anti-TB injectables for the treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis (This document replaces the 2017 Challenge TB document “Audiometry in the management of drug-resistant tuberculosis). (KNCV 2019)
All TB drugs can have harmful effects – commonly known as “adverse events”. Serious adverse events are more frequent with the so-called second line drugs used in the treatment of TB that is resistant to the commonly used drugs (“drug-resistant TB” or DR-TB). This information note has been prepared for people with DR-TB to help them understand TB drug-related problems and how to act accordingly. This document is to be piloted, with feedback from end users very welcome and changes will be incorporated in the next version of the document. (KNCV 2019)
This document describes the steps necessary to determine the corrected QT (QTc) interval in ECG monitoring of patients receiving QT-prolonging medicines for the treatment of DR-TB. It also provides guidance in the management of QTc prolongation. (KNCV 2019)