Country Specific Tools, Guidelines and Manuals
from Challenge TB, TB CARE I, TB CAP and partners
from Challenge TB, TB CARE I, TB CAP and partners
With the introduction and expansion of new technologies, such as GeneXpert MTB/RIF/ULTRA and smear microscopy using iLED microscopes (fluorescence), there was a need to update and provide tools to ensure the standardization of new procedures with a view to improving quality of laboratory diagnosis of tuberculosis in Mozambique. This manual guides, in a standardized way, the performance of smear microscopy and GeneXpert, emphasizing laboratory bio-safety and equipment maintenance in order to guarantee accurate and quality diagnostic service. (2019)
This manual provides a step-by-step guide to programmatically implement a sustainable aDSM system in line with the WHO-recommended aDSM Framework. It is applicable to patients on new and repurposed drugs, new DR-TB regimens such as the shorter treatment regimen, and XDR-TB regimens. The document describes the detection, active monitoring and management of DR-TB patients using clinical and laboratory assessment, as well as recording and reporting of SAEs.
Данное Практическое руководство предназначено для врачей противотуберкулезной службы и первичных учреждений здравоохранения для внедрения в практику новых режимов (краткосрочных режимов и режимов, включающих новые препараты), рекомендованных Всемирной Организацией Здравоохранения (ВОЗ), сприменением подхода раннего подбора оптимального режима лечения для пациентов с диагнозом Рифампицин-устойчивый ТБ на основе результатов тестов на устойчивость к фторхинолонам и/или инъекционным препаратам второго ряда.
This manual is complementary to the overall infection prevention and control policy of the Ministry of Health and Sports of Myanmar and is meant to assist in the establishment of a framework for TB-IC in healthcare facilities, as well as in those congregate and community settings where the potential for transmission of TB is likely to be high. The manual provides both managerial and operational guidance.
This manual is complementary to the overall infection prevention and control policy of the Ministry of Health and Sports of Myanmar and is meant to assist in the establishment of a framework for TB-IC in healthcare facilities, as well as in those congregate and community settings where the potential for transmission of TB is likely to be high. The manual provides both managerial and operational guidance.
The purpose of the publication is to guide health workers especially at facility and district levels in collection, analysis and use of routine TB data to strengthen their own services. It should improve the quality of the data since routine use of collected data should increase the motivation for quality and includes updated definitions and explains how to use rates and percentages. The principles of TB control are translated into key questions that the data should talk to and a list of key indicators to measure.
This is a strategy on cross border & regional programming in TB prevention and control for the East, Central and Southern African Health Community (ECSA) region. It provides policy guidance for ECSA Member States to mitigate the impact of cross border TB.
The competencies included in this document provide details of the skills, knowledge and attitudes a nurse requires to manage TB patients, contacts and significant others. The competencies provide the detail of how a nurse is expected to practice TB nursing management. These competencies address the knowledge, ability, skills and attitudes a graduate nurse in the ECSA region needs to provide quality holistic care for patients, families, and communities impacted by TB.
This curriculum outline aims to integrate TB and DR-TB competencies into nursing curricula as to empower graduate nurses with the appropriate evidence based knowledge, skills and attitudes to manage TB and DT-TB effectively.
This guide is mainly for health workers managing sick children at primary care level and any health worker working at outpatients’ settings. It was revised and adapted from the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Desk-Guide for the diagnosis and management of TB in children in consultation with key stakeholders in child health activities including specialist pediatricians, policy makers and partners in child health.
Цей посібник систематизує знання щодо сучасних методів діагностики та лікування МРТБ та містить приклади, індивідуальні та групові вправи, клінічні випадки, ситуаційні задачі і інші ресурси, включаючи поради тренерам щодо розкриття тем тренінгу. Посібник є частиною комплекту навчальних матеріалів, до якого також входить набір роздаткових матеріалів для учасників тренінгу та презентації для кожної теми.
QUOTE TB Light is a management tool to help National TB Programs assess the quality of TB services through the eyes of the patient. The assessment results give a clear indication of the issues that need to be addressed and can be used to develop interventions and set benchmarks for improving TB services. The package is a four day Quote TB Light Assessment workshop to build capacity and to get buy-in from the interviewers and responsible people at the national, provincial and district levels. The training course contains a curriculum, facilitator and participant manual, certificate and report template.
Brochures and information on the subject of Childhood TB from Viet Nam.
Brochures and information on the subject of Childhood TB from Viet Nam.
National Guidelines for Community Engagement in TB Prevention and Care – Guidelines, Curriculum and Training manuals for both participants and trainers.
With support from TB CARE, the Ndola District TB Infection Control project was implemented to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of introducing and sustaining TB Infection Control policies and practices on nosocomial transmission as measured by the TB incidence rate among health care workers. This is the final report on the project outcomes and findings.
This document on Airborne Infection Prevention and Control in Health Facility Settings has been developed by the Federal Ministry of Health of Ethiopia. It aims to provide guidance on building design and environmental engineering requirements for the benefit of all involved in the procurement, design, construction, commissioning and use of the healthcare infrastructure across both public and private sectors.
These guidelines are complementary to the overall infection prevention and control guidelines of the Ministry of Health and Social Services and are meant to assist in the establishment of a framework for TB infection control (TB-IC) in health facilities, as well as in those congregate and community settings where the potential for transmission of TB is likely to be high.
These guidelines describe measure that reduce the risk of transmitting tuberculosis to managers, healthcare workers, patients, volunteers, visitors and other persons in the health care facilities, communities, prisons and households. The document focuses on the safety of healthcare workers and reduction of patient-to-patient transmission.
This report covers the technical assistance provided to the Mulago Hospital in the renovation of the MDR-TB ward.
This guideline describes and facilitate processes for the smooth introduction of the GeneXpert MTB/RIF Assay system into the National TB diagnostic network in order to improve TB and MDR-TB case detection in presumptive MDR-TB patients and in difficult to diagnose groups of patients such as children and HIV infected presumptive TB cases.
Prevalence of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Among the Adult Population of Pakistan 2012-2012 2010-2011.
Report documenting the second WHO informal expert consultation to promote PPM involvement in implementing collaborative TB/HIV activities through a review of existing evidence and experiences and define core aspects and actions needed for the implementation of such activities by a wider spectrum of providers from the public and private sectors along with evidence from two pilot projects India and Namibia.
Country specific reviews were conducted to systematically identify the gaps, opportunities and share experiences of a range of countries on their TB/HIV collaborative activities and the M&E systems. The reviews were conducted in six countries using a standardized data collection instruments and the reports were synthesized to generate relevant recommendations to improve implementation and scale‐up of TB/HIV M&E system.
O presente relatório apresenta os resultados da Pesquisa Formativa intitulada “Explorando Constrangimentos Individuais e Socioculturais que Influenciam a Procura de Serviços de TB em Três Províncias de Moçambique”
This document describes the initial efforts to be developed by the NTP on PPM and explains each of the essential steps toward forming a strong alliance with potential partners for active involvement in TB control. (PATH/KNCV 2011)
This document describes the strategies, steps, and tools that facilitate involvement and linking of hospitals into the national DOTS program. (KNCV, The Union, MSH – 2015)
In Kenya and Kazakhstan, integration of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing results into the routine surveillance of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) proved feasible and useful. The integration process improved overall data quality and data validation capacity, and integrated data are a useful addition to routine cohort and treatment outcome data.