HSS Tools, Guidelines and Manuals
from Challenge TB, TB CARE I, TB CAP and partners
from Challenge TB, TB CARE I, TB CAP and partners
This is a fillable form that can be used to assess and improve TB preventive therapy (TPT) initiation and completion among eligible people living with HIV who have screened negative for TB.
Le 2016 guide s’adresse les agents de santé qui prennent en charge les enfants malades dans les structures de soins de premier niveau ou dans un cadre ambulatoire à tout niveau des soins de santé, et les employés du PNT qui prennent en charge les enfants dans le cadre de leur travail au sein du PNT. Le guide a pour objectif d’améliorer, la précocité et la précision du dépistage des cas de TB infantile, la prise en charge de l’enfant tuberculeux et son résultat, et le dépistage et la prise en charge des enfants en contact avec un cas de TB. Le guide se centrera sur le diagnostic des formes communes de TB chez l’enfant, comment traiter, quand orienter, et la prise en charge des enfants en contact étroit avec des cas de TB.
This document summarizes the lessons learned on locally owned initiatives (LOIs) under the TB CARE I project. It describes the key factors for success, the risk factors and the role of technical assistance.These lessons learned can be used under the Challenge TB project by country teams, local and international consultants and staff of the coalition partners who are involved in planning, monitoring and evaluating Challenge TB projects.
The main purpose of this guide is to describe and explain how to design, implement and analyse an inventory study to measure TB under-reporting. The guide also explains how to apply capture-recapture methods to estimate TB incidence, emphasizing the conditions that must be fulfilled for these methods to be used.
This is a training toolkit to combat childhood TB. The training focuses on building the capacity of health care workers at the primary and secondary level to address and manage TB in children. (2014)
This document sets out basic principles for prioritizing risk groups and choosing a screening approach. It also emphasizes the importance of assessing the epidemiological situation, adapting approaches to local situations, integrating TB screening into other health-promotion activities, minimizing the risk of harm to individuals, and engaging in continual monitoring and evaluation. It calls for more and better research to assess the impact of screening and to develop and evaluate new screening tests and approaches.
This guide for monitoring the incidence of TB disease among healthcare workers addresses issues such as stigma and work discrimination, and also provides practical recommendations on how to establish an effective monitoring system. This document is the result of years of operational research as well as debates and discussions organized by the WHO and TB CARE partners.
It has been proven that in many settings the burden of TB is higher among healthcare workers (HCWs) than among the general population. It is very important to prevent the transmission of TB in facilities, thereby preventing TB among HCWs.
Fotovoces permite una mirada humana a la TB, desde los propios afectados, a través de fotografías que expresan emociones y percepciones de las circunstancias que rodean a un enfermo de TB. Es un herramienta que cambia la mirada sobre la enfermedad, posibilitando que sean escuchadas las percepciones de los afectados, que de otra manera no saldrían a la luz, abriendo nuevos espacios de intervención y colocando en el lugar preponderante que merece y requiere el debate y la concientización sobre la TB en la República Dominicana bajo un proyecto participativo y libre.
The purpose of this document is to capitalize on the untapped potential of the business sector to respond to these two epidemics. Built on the 2003 guidelines on contribution of workplaces to TB control prepared jointly by the ILO and WHO, these guidelines should help capitalize on increased awareness about TB and HIV and their impact on businesses, and strengthen partnerships between national TB programmes, national HIV programmes, and the business sector to improve TB and HIV prevention, treatment and care activities.
These audit forms and the mortality audit entry tool accompany the lessons from Loss guide above.
This WHO policy document was prepared to guide national TB program staff and all agencies and organizations involved in TB prevention, care and control to establish strategies for sound TB contact investigation practices.
An approach to develop the capacity of civil society organizations in TB Control has been developed and pilot tested in 3 countries, this package includes the approach, the training materials, the monitoring and evaluation framework, and the results.
Updated Facility Level Training Modules – These modules aim to teach the skills and knowledge that health workers specifically need: detecting cases of pulmonary TB, determining the appropriate drug therapies for TB patients, providing directly-observed treatment, informing patients about TB, and monitoring the success of TB case detection and treatment at the health facility level.
This publication brings into focus seven main lessons learned from the four years of the TB HRD platform meetings in The Hague, Netherlands.
By addressing barriers and reasons for delay to timely diagnosis and treatment by the NTP, costs to TB patients (particularly among the poor) can be effectively reduced. The Poverty Sub-Working Group of the Stop TB Partnership decided to develop a tool which can assist TB programs to estimate the costs of TB patients before and during diagnosis and during treatment by the NTP.
This report is intended to help NTPs understand the benefits of mapping and the options that exist for creating maps. The focus is on computer-based applications available to create maps. The report attempts to gather relevant information from a variety of sources to give decision makers information so they can make informed choices about the use of mapping. One of the software packages mentioned in the report is “HealthMapper” which is developed by WHO.
The purpose of this document is to outline a strategy for management of human resources for tuberculosis control specifying the role of national TB programs as well as the support by international organizations and agencies.
The TB Literacy Toolkit comprises multimedia resources and materials for use by community health educators, outreach workers, counselors, and healthcare providers for educating their communities about how to control TB. The tools are designed to educate TB and HIV patients, their caregivers, and their communities about TB and what it takes to complete a full course of TB treatment. Included in the kit are patient video stories, The Story of Thomas flipchart, TB and TB/HIV informational brochures.
A patient-centered package containing 5 tools, such as Quote TB Light, The Patients Charter, The TB Literacy Toolkit and more.